Stop Guessing, Start Growing
Stop listening to the same-old, cookie-cutter advice given out by self-proclaimed ‘Etsy experts’
You're wasting your time.
It leaves you with low views, infrequent sales and stagnant growth.
You're right about Etsy.
The algorithm is an unfair playing field. It does blacklist stores. It is stacked against you - The winners win, and the losers lose.
This unfair playing field is our opportunity
Because once we know how the algorithm thinks, we can give it exactly what it wants to play the field and win.
Your stores problem isn't poor SEO, unoptimized Etsy ads or a 'saturated niche'..
It's a fundamental misunderstanding of what is important to Etsy, and what isn’t.
Let me rip back the curtain and show you the Root Cause
To beat Etsy, you must understand the answer to two questions..

What does the algorithm look for when deciding which listings to rank, and which to ignore?

How do we work with it to push our listings to the top of search results?
The Solution is Simple
Join over 250+ Students of The Backdoor Method
What if I'm Full of Shit?
I’ve been selling on Etsy for just less than a decade now
I’m so confident - I’m giving you the first chapter for absolutely free